NIGHTCRAWLER (2014): Insensitive News Program and Why (They Think) We Love It


My deepest condolence is for those who lost their loved ones in the tragic crash of Indonesia’s AirAsia flight QZ8501.

When the missing of Indonesia’s AirAsia flight QZ8501, flying from Indonesia’s Surabaya to Singapore Sunday (12/28/2014), became news, I was at the airport waiting for my flight (I was about to go back to my work town after a short holiday of Christmas). I wasn’t watching TV at the time (there are TVs on the airport obviously but they were out of my sight), but Twitter got me informed about the news. However, tweets with hashtag #matikanTVlokal (#turnofflocalTV) flooded my timeline, complaining about how some news channels so insensitively interviewed the relatives of the flight passengers. It was obvious that the relatives were mourning and worried about the missing airplane but these news reporters kept asking them about how they felt about the incident over and over again. Perhaps the reporters thought that this kind of “drama” could skyrocket their rating, but it’s apparent to see that people don’t like such drama. That’s why the hashtag trends: it encouraged us not to watch news program that sold sadness and sympathy instead of giving facts and information about the incident. 

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